Example JD- Medical Advisor Respiratory
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Resource last updated on Friday 31st March 2023 at 9:06pm.
What you'll learn
An example job description (JD) for an Medical Advisor Respiratory to develop an understanding of the role.
This resource is designed to help you understand the typical responsibilities of a Medical Advisor Respiratory.
I recommend using the JDs as a tool to identify which roles most closely align with your interests and goals. The JDs available on PharmAffinity are not exhaustive, but they can provide you with a flavour for the various roles within Pharma.
Once you have identified the roles that interest you begin to annotate the JDs. For every required skill that is stated in the JD add an example of when and where you have demonstrated that skill.
After you have annotated the JD (and hopefully there are lots of annotations!!) start highlighting the gaps- the knowledge gaps, the experience you're missing or the skills you aren't able to demonstrate.
So now you know what you want, and you know what you need to develop on- begin using the PharmAffinity resources to plug those gaps and start building that experience!
If you cant find a resource you're looking for...I'm probably working on it, but drop me a line and let me know!
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